

The maximum number of work that can be submitted by one participant is 3 original works (oral or poster presentation) and 2 case reports.

    Time to deliver oral presentation should not exceed 7 minutes and the discussion cannot be longer than 3 minutes.
    The presentations in electronic form must be sent (in their original format) to Session Coordinators at least 2 days before the Conference. The presentations should have .ppt, .pptx or .pdf format. There is no limit on the number of slides in your presentation – the only limitation is time.
    Time to deliver oral poster presentation should not exceed 5 minutes and the discussion cannot be longer than 1 minute.
    The posters in electronic form must be sent (in their original format) to Session Coordinators at least 7 days before the Conference. The posters should have .pdf format. The posters are going to be printed by the Conference Organizing Committee and hang in the Conference Venue. Recommended poster orientation is VERTICAL and poster should be prepared to be printed in A2 size.
    Time to deliver case reports should not exceed 5 minutes and the discussion cannot be longer than 3 minutes.
    The  case reports’ presentations in electronic form must be sent (in their original format) to Session Coordinators at least 2 days before the Conference. The presentations should have .ppt, .pptx or .pdf format. There is no limit on the number of slides in your presentation – the only limitation is time.


  • All participants of the sessions are obliged to adhere strictly to the minute program of the meeting and shall be entitled to receive voice and interrupted the discussion after regular time.
  • Every minute of extended presentation time results in -1 (minus one) point penalty of final work score.
  • The official language of the conference is English, the work should be prepared and presented in ENGLISH.
  • Contacts to Coordinators are available on the website (Programme-Sessions)
  • Every participant has to agree to the “Consent to use the image” and “Consent to personal data processing” attached to the application form.  



  1. Abstracts will only be accepted if they are written in English and do not exceed a maximum of 300 words excluding the title, name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation(s).
  2. Write short sentences, use simple words, and avoid using jargon.
  3. Only standard abbreviations may be used in the text of the abstract. They must be defined by using brackets just after the full word or phrase is typed for the first time.
  4. Avoid using symbols. Do not use characters such as å, ã, æ, ç, ê, and ï.
  5. Do not include unimportant details to fill up space. If you can summarize your research in fewer words than the maximum, do so!
  6. References are not included in the abstract.
  7. Please note that a plagiarism scanner will scan all submissions!


Your abstract is required to consist of the following fields:

  1. Name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s)
  2. Title
    The title must be functional, should be direct, and need not be dull. Use simple language and be concise and informative.
  3. Introduction
    Background: give information that is useful in introducing your research that makes clear to the reader why you are asking your research question. What is the context of your research and what were your main objectives?
  4. Aim
    What sort of questions did you try to answer with your study? Most important of all: why does your research matter?
  5. Materials and Methods
    This section is fundamental as it describes the process and specific steps taken that enabled you to arrive at your results. Name the materials used and methods applied in your research or study. Describe the approach or the study design, including both independent and dependent variables and the use of statistics.
  6. Results
    After all the work, what did you find? What does the data tell you about your initial hypothesis? What are the implications? Does the data suggest something originally unexpected? Describe the results obtained with regards to the research or study question and the methods applied.
  7. Conclusions / Discussion
    Summarize and conclude in a concise and interesting way. Based on your conclusions, what are your recommendations and next steps? Has your project given you new insights? What are some questions that remain to be answered by future research? Write your conclusions, their relevance, and their implications.
    Discussion: only if important to your research, state possible sources of error that could have influenced your data. Keep the discussion as short and concise as possible.
    Implications: it is of great importance to state the implications or relevance of your research or study. Do not use words like „we intend to study ” or „work will be done to prove…” etc.
  8. Keywords
    State the most important words that describe your research (±5). This can be your subject, method, etc.
  9. Number of characters / words
    Please write a character count (number of characters) in the abstract (excluding the title, name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation(s)). Your abstract should not exceed 350 words.


Your abstract is required to consist only of the following fields:

  1. Name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s) – up to 2 authors.
  2. Title
  3. Introduction
    Background: give information that is useful in introducing your case that makes clear to the reader why you are asking your research question. Describe clearly and understandably your medical case.
  4. Case report
    Case report (in REGISTRATION FORM corresponds to the RESULTS).
  5. Conclusion
    Summarize and conclude in a concise and interesting way.
  6. Keywords
    State the most important words that describe your research (±5). This can be your subject, method, etc.
  7. Number of characters / words
    Please write a character count (number of characters) in the abstract (excluding the title, name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation(s)). Your abstract should not exceed 350 words.